Friday, November 25, 2011

Optimize Windows with Advanced System Care V5

Advanced System Care V5 is a new version of one of the tools used to optimize Windows in a simple manner, with the tool "all in one" capable of caring for your computer. Latest V5 Advanced Care System is capable of optimizing computer performance windows, and is available for 32 and 64 bit versions.

Advanced System Care V5 is able to optimize Windows by simply using the system resources are very few and simplify all operations, at first glance, may seem too complicated.

Features the latest ActiveBoost able mengooptimasi in real-time, so as to avoid the possibility of decreased PC performance.

Advanced System Care V5 is available on site at IObit. And this software is shareware and can be downloaded for free.

Download Here

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Smart Tips How to Select a Good Second Laptops

In the market supply various brand laptops, notebooks and netbooks. Purchase of information technology equipment is highly in demand. People flocked to buy laptop products as their needs for these IT media devices. Many are looking for new products, but many are looking for products resale.

When buying new products may be easier for you to recognize what a good laptop or not. Long warranty from the purchase of new laptops do not make you worry when there is damage at a later time. New laptop more secure guarantee.

While for those who want to buy a laptop, notebook or netbook resale of course also do not want to let down. This is largely determined by your foresight when choosing products such resale. However, your ignorance about the standard laptop still good resale which will certainly lead to disappointment later.

That is why will share a little experience smart tips how to choose a good second laptop. Let us refer to.

1. Seal checks the laptop, if it has opened the seals get information to the seller why the seal is open, there may be a hardware replacement due to damage.

2. Check the condition of the laptop battery, make sure the battery does not drop and still have a resistance of at least 50% (there is no definite provision for this)

3. Checks the laptop display is there a dead pixel, because it has a dead pixel display that will reduce the display.

4.Checks the laptop warranty. Be thankful if you find that the laptop is under warranty.

5. Completeness check availability features such as wifi, bluetooth and other features to suit your needs.

6. Physical checks the laptop is there any signs of physical damage, eg scratches due to fall or even submerged in water discharged.

7. Check whether all the conditions of the keyboard is still functioning properly.

8. Check the touchpad, right click and left click.

9. Check the hardware specifications are in accordance with whether the seller offers. You can see it in the BIOS or by typing dxdiag in the run column of windows OS laptop.

10. Check prices, compare the market price. Use the internet to check this.

11. Invite your friends who are experienced in the IT field in order to give consideration to you before deciding to buy a laptop.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Necessary Tips How to treat a good laptop: The prohibition can not be broken

Caring for your laptop is not difficult. But you will regret is underestimated because the laptop is damaged due to unexpected events, which come suddenly and without warning.

Councils team used some things that you do not have to do with the laptop. Let's see:

1. Do not use a laptop directly into your laptop bag. This is because the laptop, which is still commonly used to store excess heat. If the bag is stored directly in the heat long enough, and not reduced slightly. The result will affect the existing electrical components inside the laptop.

2.Not forlaptop, disconnect means that the load from the battery remains charged and ful decreased by 40-50%. This is very useful for battery life and conserve energy.

3.Do not use the laptop next to food and water to prevent food or liquid is spilled, and our laptops.

4.Do not touch the LCD screen with hard objects, such as a pen. This often happens by chance, when you display something on the LCD, and training and presentations.

5.Do not leave your laptop in public places such as college or a restaurant table just because the washing of hands, unless you are sure that your computer is safe because crime occurs when there is a possibility.

6.No portable bag full with other objects such as books, let alone a hammer and nails hehehe

7.Do not place the handset on floor, more people took the laptop.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Creating a Sketch Effect Color Crayons In Photos

Just open photoshop again while to try a variety of styles and filters, and I found this one. I called it "color crayon sketch effect". Something like that in my opinion, judging from the looks, such as drawing using crayons or oil paint. Maybe my friend had another, more appropriate title, but I think the title is already okay. Step-by-step tutorials are few, and very easy to follow.

Images that I use is a photo of Emma Watson, I can from his photo gal
lery on the site Friend would know Emma Watson is one of the major actors in the Harry Potter films. He serves as Hermione Granger, one of Harry Potter's best friend. Here's the original picture:

- First, prepare the image. Click image above to open the original image. Then save it to a computer buddy.
- Run Photoshop and open the image.
- Press CTRL + J to copy it.

- Click Filter> Brush Strokes> Sumi-e. Settings as follows:
- Finally, change its blending mode to Overlay. Done!


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Eliminate Menu Shutdown, Restart, Sleep and Hibernate

Because a certain purposes, you might someday want to make a computer so he could not be turned off. Or say you're running a program or process on the computer but had to leave the room. To prevent a friend or anyone else turn off the computer, then one way is to disable the function Shutdown, Restart, Sleep or Hibernate.


Click Start
Type gpedit.msc in the column Search Programs and Files (column RUN on Windows XP)
Click Enter, it will exit the Local Group Policy Editor
Go to User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Start Menu And Taskbar
For Windows 7, the right pane find: Remove and Prevent Access to the shutdown, Restart, Sleep, and Hibernate, if you have found please Double Click
For Windows XP, on the right pane find: Remove and Prevent access to the Shut Down command, if you have found please Double Click.
• Select Enable, then click OK
Please try result, shutdown, Restart, Sleep, Hibernate can not be done, as well as when you press Ctrl + Alt + Del, Shutdownnya tetep disable menu.

To normalize the return just follow all the steps above, just replace option from Enable to Disable on the last step.

When being in a state of Disable, in fact we can still do the shutdown way is by typing in the search or the RUN command:
shutdown / s (for shutdown)
shutdown / r (to restart).

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tips for computers are not filled with dust

Dust inside the computer, if we do nothing, it will be a big problem later. Do not underestimate the problem of dust inside the computer, because the dust can make our computer problems, this is often ESN hang or no road.

For many cleaning companies clean dust from computers is a very lazy for some reason there is no time or maybe he was "appalled" by the computer is very dusty, or perhaps for other reasons.
And if we are diligent to clean the computer of dust, we will benefit personally.
Here are five steps that are applied, so that no dust can accumulate on our computers.

1st You do not put a computer on the floor
While putting a computer on the floor, many of us, but please note that accelerate the accumulation of dust inside the computer. So if your computer is always on the floor, move quickly on the table.

2nd Keep clean the area around the computer to remain
A little difficult to apply these measures if we are in an environment that is hard to clean, are. While in a normal environment, then make sure the area is clean to your computer, for example by suction with a vacuum cleaner or the other.

3rd Keep pets on a computer
For those who have pets like cats or anything else, the good from now on keep the animals from our computer. We certainly do not want is an animal, the fur of a cat near a computer, and then the feathers were flying into our computer.

4th Eat or drink usually not near the computer
These tips are a lot of us do, and it's hard to avoid. But let me not painful, so make sure that if we do not eat or simply to drink only from the keyboard or the computer case.

5th Keep your dirty hands on the computer
Many people after eating near the computer and then forget to wash their hands or melapnya. And the hands are always dirty and sticky, which was used for recording or the mouse. Be used to clean our hands after eating, are not directly input or with the mouse.

Hopefully the above tips can be useful to our computers free of dirt and dust.

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