Caring for your laptop is not difficult. But you will regret is underestimated because the laptop is damaged due to unexpected events, which come suddenly and without warning.
Councils team used some things that you do not have to do with the laptop. Let's see:
1. Do not use a laptop directly into your laptop bag. This is because the laptop, which is still commonly used to store excess heat. If the bag is stored directly in the heat long enough, and not reduced slightly. The result will affect the existing electrical components inside the laptop.
2.Not forlaptop, disconnect means that the load from the battery remains charged and ful decreased by 40-50%. This is very useful for battery life and conserve energy.
3.Do not use the laptop next to food and water to prevent food or liquid is spilled, and our laptops.
4.Do not touch the LCD screen with hard objects, such as a pen. This often happens by chance, when you display something on the LCD, and training and presentations.
5.Do not leave your laptop in public places such as college or a restaurant table just because the washing of hands, unless you are sure that your computer is safe because crime occurs when there is a possibility.
6.No portable bag full with other objects such as books, let alone a hammer and nails hehehe
7.Do not place the handset on floor, more people took the laptop.
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